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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

Why do I go to Parliament?

Well, it's the same reason as Gary: which is that I'm pointing out that I'm here because I've got the free time to be so, given that I'm unemployable due to the current laws. The lobbying is an outgrowth of that. This is my political protest, and AMPP is the umbrella that I put that under. - I've cooked up another protest idea, btw: I've decided that I refuse to play gigs or do any of the things that people want me to do until the laws change. That seems quite fair to me. I'm already queering the straightest space in New Zealand: why should it be my responsibility to suffer for everyone's sins? I mean, I guess I did (as the backstories episode will fill in), but I was in control of the choices that I made during the Dakumentary: I chose to associate with known criminals. I was willing to accept the idea that might limit my freedoms, but ultimately I believed 100% that weed should be legal, and I was willing to do what it took to accomplish that. I'm hoping the Dakumentary might be that final moment that legalises weed!

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