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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell


As for whether Chloe should jump ship... well, I think that's premature and she's panicking! 🤣

Like, it's fairly defensible: 'this was our largest caucus ever, and we hadn't anticipated such a strong result .. with 15 new MPs, we didn't have time to vet them as thoroughly, and this particular issue wasn't brought to light until after the election'

I do think that there's room to reconsider how candidates are selected, though.

Not that I know squat about that, but I mean that in a general sense for all parties.

Let's see... National, Labour, ACT and the Greens all had a number of questionable MPs in the last term.

While TPM is largely excoriated as a party, except for Rawiri taking more heat than most!

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