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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

I'm not the bad guy here

Stop telling me to be Michael instead of Amanda. There is no evidence that I have DID. It hasn't been diagnosed, so STOP telling me that I have a split personality because you're surprised to find that I'm fucking angry. You're the ones that failed to pay me. You're the ones that failed to accept that stalking me and spying on me while I wank is actually not cool. I don't want to 'spy in' - I refuse to assist VUW, and I refuse to assist Wellington. That is my absolute legal right. You're the ones that didn't offer me a contract. You're the ones that thought that illicit surveillance was more practical than calling me in for a meeting. You're the ones that thought I was into children, which is a baseless claim given that I've never done anything that could even be considered close to bad touching. - You're the ones that were too chicken to talk about my dick. You're the ones that refused to reply to my emails. No 'lee king', no 'only lee' .. STOP making references to my films to try and control me. There is no legally valid way of justifying this behaviour, Wellington.

You have no legal rights to my IP. You have no legal rights to my body, voice or songs. You have no legal rights to force me to do what you want because I'm not a student, and I'm not your friend, and I have the absolute right to refuse. I don't want VE day. I only want compensatory damages: I can't deal with shitheads that have been spying on me as I wank for about 4 years. There is no other legally valid outcome. Owen Moriary will CEASE telling me to be a man. Cassandra Tse and James Cain will cease spying on me BY TUESDAY. They will apologise for their behaviour. I am NOT their barbie doll, and I refuse to be so. I refuse to be a man because Cass wants a real baritone. That is illegal, and it is ABSOLUTELY IMMORAL for a fellow trans person to tell me that. This is why I don't consider Cass to be trans. Because she's not tolerant.

By Tuesday. No more spying after Tuesday or I'll commit suicide, and I will name you in my suicide letter, Cassandra. That's how much I despise you for what you have done.

You cannot weasel out of the apology, and you cannot force me to collaborate. Buy my script, then do what you want to do with ANYONE ELSE BUT ME. That will be a contractual provision if you buy it: Amanda says no to acting. Amanda says no to singing Amanda says no to producing, directing, editing or in any way assisting. Amanda has the absolute legal right to refuse,

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