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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell


They all hate that I'm poor and a total dick, but when it comes to the crunch my stuff is better. It's both accessible and sophisticated.

True of the Parliamentarians too, but obviously I'm talking about the rich Wellington pricks that ruined my life. -

My answer is really simple: no gigs until the laws change.

I don't need the money, and if that's the only context in which they're willing to pay me, that's openly discriminatory and indeed the reason that I campaigned for this law reform. I should be allowed to work a regular office job while I compose musicals as a hobby, and that is a perfectly reasonable life to want to have. Given this Cassavetes-style career that I'm fashioning, it's not like I couldn't make movies, and if people actually commissioned me to make a real documentary, then I could buy a new camera. The only hiccup is that I'm a man in a dress. That's ridiculous! - Snark: try typing each line as if your life depends on it, and that's when you'll start to feel how your attempts to blackmail me felt, Wellington authorities. That's why it's over now, and I won.

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