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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

Fuck grammarly

YouTube keeps putting those stupid ads in front of my videos! For those who are wondering, my Ads are basically trolling the Facebook mobile feed. - I fucking despise Grammarly.

I think that English is a great language precisely because people can fuck it up and still stand a good chance of being understood. That's not true in most other languages. I enjoy listening to our politicians mangle English when I'm at Parliament (or blogging from home). I highly recommend tuning into Question Time for any aspiring lyricists. Unlike journos, who all speak with that cultivated NZ accent from broadcasting school, politicians are truly representative of all the various dialects that we have in Aotearoa. Well, maybe not all of them, but most of them: there's Ayesha Verrall's Southland burr, Chloe's hipster patois, Winston's old-school RP (received pronunciation), Luxon's whiny tenor, various rural MPs, plus various ethnic accents. - The modern generative AI tools have more style than Grammarly, but they're still dumb: I was using ChatGPT to create boilerplate for a political party; I think that was something that it was capable of. How many of the pro politicians read my manifesto? 👋 It's odd to think that language evolution is now being driven by machines. That's not just English -- that's also true of Māori, which has become a subject of some interest.,thanks%20to%20artificial%20intelligence%20technology.

- As for my own grammar: I'm a screenwriter, and for movies and TV it's more important to write people that speak like real people than to have grammatically correct sentences.

I think my prose stories are very tight, though, and the unusual style is part of the effect.

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