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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

crocodile tears

'please stop criticising the NZSO, Michael'

'please help us save our jobs, Michael' 'please do a stage piece as an actor, Michael' That is pathetic, and I'm presuming that you're still deadnaming me for comic effect. What about my demands? 'please get in touch with me' 'please respect my IP' 'please stop pressuring me to perform as a sacrificial virgin'

None of those have been met. I have previously established that I refuse to perform my music, despite the fact that it might be potentially lucrative. Here's why: You haven't answered my questions about your business model. You haven't apologised for what I perceive as transphobia.

You haven't answered my questions about brownwashing and Voices of Aotearoa. You pissed me off by trying to alter my orchestrations for Pan's Preludes before they were read by an orchestra, and that's because your ideas were driven by being trendy rather than the specific music that I'd written. You didn't listen when I told you that there are other capable guitarists that are probably better suited to perform Pan, given that they have orchestral experience. Like, Owen can draw a way bigger crowd than I ever will because he's been on the scene for like 25 years or something. Trying to tell me to just shut up and play my guitar after finishing my epic Dak film is such a fucking insult. I became a competent journo, and I've been asking the above questions for several years. If you weren't all scared for that your liveable incomes might evaporate, then you'd never be offering me gigs. In fact, if I hadn't criticised the NZSO, I doubt they'd have offered: my critiques are probably more famous than my music in those circles. - I refuse to train. I refuse to perform. I want gender expression and identity law reform.

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