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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

'bring your whole self to work'

When it comes to my so-called protest of being a trannie (and living that way), this is the key element. That's the slogan that most businesses use nowadays, but that doesn't apply to a lot of people with alternative sexual or gender orientations. - If everyone agreed on the interpretation of those laws in the Human Rights Act, this would be a moot point. However, some take 'sexual orientation' to only mean homo, hetero and bi and not to include so-called deviant orientations. Then there's the idea of whether sex = gender. The Humans Rights Commission generally says that sex and sexual orientation is also taken to mean gender identity and expression, but there's not a wealth of case law to support this interpretation. When I spoke to Vinod at the event which Ricardo Menendez March hosted, he said that there was one case that related to this, but that it was a constructive dismissal case and that the gender element wasn't the primary one (I think.. that was several months ago). - I think that people who want me to tone it down should shut the fuck up. That's fair, given that people generally support my freedom of expression. It's a small coterie of dickheads that oppose me in Wellington, but those people are quite influential. I mean, ultimately was I an obnoxious queen at the RNZ office? no, I wasn't. I behaved like a professional at the office, except for getting stoned after midnight. Maybe those who want to see what I'm like as a professional should treat me as such, and discover that I'm a successful film producer because I'm quite reasonable.

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