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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

Be real

When I tell you that I'm not interested in helping people, take that as a valid statement rather than a position that I'm open to changing. Even if I was paid a pittance to make that Tina feature, it's really the millions or billions in tourist dollars that the bean counters are predicting as a byproduct of that movie which are why they want to greenlight it. There's no sugarcoating it: if I was to agree to any sort of deal, the only thing that would be guaranteed to happen is that a bunch of wankers would give me a bunch of notes and then threaten to pull their funding unless I rewrote it to their specifications. That didn't appeal to me.... that's why I'm writing my short stories. - There is only one valid outcome: Amanda gets her $50,000, and everyone gets the IP from that Weeded Out screenplay. After they buy it off me, they are more than welcome to rewrite me as they see fit, and to use their own songs to tell their story. I refuse to be involved, and that is a decision that I get to make. Don't tell me that I'm the one hindering production: I put this offer out there around a year ago, and they're the ones that have refused to buy my script and to accept the conditions that I'm asking for. I have them over a barrel, and they need to be fairer about acknowledging that previous attempts to persuade me to licence my material were coercive and caused significant mental distress that tipped over into months of suicidality. There is no way to talk their way out of this. $50,000 or no greenlight for Michelle and VUW. That is simply fair, and I'm sure they'll love whichever queen that they can get.

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