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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

Amanda vs. the drag community

This has some backstory. In 2020, while I was in the middle of my Make It Legal protests, there was an article in Stuff where the drag queens said that crossdressers were only doing that for sexual reasons. Since then, I've been somewhat opposed to them, though one of the queens and I did chat during a protest. Frankly, she was out there for all of 30 minutes, while I was out there with Jeffery and Sarah for around 3 and a half hours. I saw the awful attention that she got, though. People were very much in her business, with people laughing and touching her. That never happens to me during my protests. That's why my style is au naturel. -

Point is, that suggests that drag attire is the camp, sexual thing and that my fashion sense has simply caught on. A lot of Māori men are doing a similar thing. Then there's this whole 'Amanda has DID' thing .. I believe people think this because drags are typically expressing another personality that is confined to the stage, whereas I am Amanda 24/7. It wasn't diagnosed, so please stop suggesting that, Gordon and others. If you haven't examined me in a room, then your opinion is just that: an opinion, not a diagnosis. The psychiatrists who have examined me haven't suggested DID or autism, and I honestly did ask them about those ideas given how many people believed them. - There are exceptions to that rule, though. I remember reading about a drag called Princess in a subsequent Stuff article that faced difficulties with wearing her makeup to the office. That's why I want everyone who is expressing a gender-diverse thing to get behind Elizabeth's Member's Bill (that some current Green MP needs to sponsor 🥑). As for my clothes: they may have been more bohemian than the average journo, but if a mohawk or a punk style is ok, then so is a queer style. In fact, Anna at RNZ had quite a clear non-binary afab style going and identified as they.

This loophole in the law really is punishing amab trannies, and that's so unfair. - That's why I'm not wearing trousers much currently. I feel it's important to remind people that crossdressing isn't illegal, and that they should tolerate me. That worked great in Johnsonville. 👍🏻 I though my new haircut was a winner. That was done in the Johnsonville mall.

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