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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell


Question Time - 7.03.2024


1. Mooney to Willis


Consumer confidence and business confidence is rising - typical for the centre-right.


More Labour bashing. More corporate welfare.


JM 6/10, NW 5/10.


2. Cameron to Hoggard


Significant Natural Areas .. 'An unjustified intrusion into private property rights' - Hoggard


Lots of opposition MPs chirping.


Another voluntary solution rather than a legally binding one.


Damien O'Connor: EU rules require proof that there isn't any deforestation taking place on land that supplies the EU.


'He's contradicting himself' - Gary on Hoggard.


MC 5/10, AH 4/10.


3. Sepuloni to Potaka


Will more New Zealanders be living on the streets? 'Yes' - Potaka.


'Don't worry; there'll be plenty of motorway bridges for them to sleep under' - Gary.


CS 6/10, TP 4/10.


4. MacLeod to Bishop


More on the RMA reforms.


'New Zealand has been stuck in the slow lane for far too long' - Bishop.


'Whatever developers want, they'll get' - Gary.


Lots of opposition people appear to be reading the standing orders book, and Gary reckons he might offer to help Rawiri and Debbie comb through that.


DM 5/10, CB 5/10.


5. Jackson to Lee


'The government is committed to working with the [media] industry to ensure stability.' - Melissa Lee.


Then she said she wants more international investment in local news... wtf?


WJ 5/10, ML 4/10 (reading from her sheets of paper).


6. Menendez March to Potaka


Tama answered the first question in Māori.


'We need bold and radical solutions to our housing crisis' - Potaka.


Party line answers ... boring.


'More homeless people' - James Shaw.


RMM 6/10, TP 4/10


7. Debbie to Winston


Gary reckons that the opposition shouldn't ask the PM questions when he's absent.


Iwi and settlements ... 'we are a country that needs to get our mojo back' - Winston.




DN 5/10, WP 5/10.


8. MacAnulty to Bishop


There's no immediate plans to build more social housing; instead they're adding more means testing to the eligibility process.


'Absolute fucking arseholes' - Gary.


KMA 6/10, CB 5/10.


9. Bates to Brown


Cameron Bates has an unusual accent .. 'the sound of privilege' - Gary.


57% of Aucklanders voted for the coalition government.


$4.4 billion investment in public transport.


Axed the Auckland Regional Fuel Tax yesterday .. gone by June.


National 5/10, SB 5/10.


10. Brooking to Bishop


More RMA reform questions.


'fast-tracked economic development projects' - Bishop.


'No public input, just lobbyists' - Gary.


RB 6/10, CB 5/10.


11. Nakhle to Goldsmith


More law and order ... yawn.


Nice tie, Duncan Webb!


'This is the Minister of Justice refusing to deal with facts and evidence' - Gary.


'Academic trivia' - Winston, bagging on science and evidence.


RN 3/10, PG 5/10.


12. Shaw to Bishop


RMA reforms: take 3.


Lack of public accountability, lack of public consultation, overuse of ministerial power -- this was the thrust of the questions.


'Cutting through the red tape' - Bishop.


'Lobbyist's wet dream' - Gary.


JS 8/10, CB 5/10




Gary reckons that National is attempting to protect Louise Upston and Melissa Lee, who haven't looked too good in the recent sessions of Parliament.


Rubbing my arse on the balustrade on my way out wasn't intentional, but I thought that it was quite funny when I realised what it must have looked like (ie mooning the govt.) It's time to eject someone from the house during Question Time: probably Winston.

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