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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

To the Wellington gay scene

Updated: Jun 16

How dare you accuse me of setting back the movement? Newsflash: I'm not the only one, and it's actually been several years of concerted effort from the alternative community of trannies, asexuals etc. that have opposed Pride and generally grown sick of living in the ghetto while being the face of the scene ... I mean, Dana said that back in her day, and the op shop is named after her. You're the rainbow capitalists. I wasn't the one who started this war: that was probably the Newtown community. I'm just the one who was living in the Wellington CBD and therefore this constant reminder that I was well-known, but associated with a different community than the S&M's/Ivy circle-jerk. In fact, nowhere in the first episode of Weeded Out does it say that Tina and Ellie are playing at a gay bar. That's because I intended to film it at the Bluegrass Society in Petone. The folk scene is very fluid, particularly the young people. Those people weren't all judgmental, and neither was the Daktory. You're the dickheads. You're the ones ghettoising me and saying it's a 'gay script' in the Looking, Transparent, Pose bullshit vein. No, it's a script about drugs, and trannies are disproportionately more likely to be cannabis smokers than cis people. Now, let's get personal... How dare you refuse to face me down and apologise for calling me a fetishist? Stuff has hidden the article, but it was very real. How dare you refuse to talk to me about my penis in a legal setting? If I'd truly exposed myself indecently, I'd fully expect the Police to have spoken to me regarding those issues. So, how dare you host that hate hui? Oh wait, because you blamed me for the occupation of Parliament Grounds, even though there is ZERO evidence that I was involved. I only knew one of the planners, and I literally proved yesterday that I had developed that Shipwrecked on Islands script significantly before 2022. I wrote Pan's Preludes and the Ferry Sequence AFTER the occupation: that's what I thought of it all. You're the ones that made assumptions like 'Amanda can't notate music en femme' or 'Amanda can't choose what to study' or 'Amanda must have been flashing people because how dare she have a bulge when we all tuck for our drag shows?' Newsflash: tucking isn't healthy. Did you watch that French film I uploaded? You're the ones that have tortured me online, shaming me for my kink while getting off to the feeling of dominating someone that's beneath you. That is unforgiveable, given the hate hui and the slander. Now, I get to say plainly and clearly that Weeded Out is my IP, and you can't have it. Sorry: I encourage you to write your own drama and make another webseries in the vein of what Conan did (even though that sucked arse). If there's interest in that type of story, then it's very likely that you lot - with your steady jobs and lack of controversy - could easily gain that funding without paying me for the IP that I painstakingly wrote while you spied on me and called me a retard behind my back. - Please leave me alone: you literally fucking chased me out of town, and now it's well within my rights to refuse to return. Ciao, Amanda.

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