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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell


This is for everyone that won't leave me alone... I am writing to you on behalf of Amanda Riddell, the original creator and owner of the screenplay provisionally titled "Weeded Out" (also known as "So Far" or "Just Like Yesterday"). It has come to our attention that there may be discussions or intentions to produce a film based on this screenplay without the express permission of Ms. Riddell.

We wish to inform you that Ms. Riddell has decided to adapt her screenplay into a book, and is no longer interested in pursuing the production of the aforementioned screenplay as a film. Therefore, any attempt to proceed with the production of the film adaptation without her consent would constitute a violation of her intellectual property rights.

Ms. Riddell is willing to offer the screenplay for purchase at a price of $50,000 for her first draft. However, it is imperative to note that this purchase will come with specific provisions. Ms. Riddell categorically refuses to participate in the production of the film and merely seeks fair compensation for the intellectual property that she has diligently developed over the course of several years.

Furthermore, Ms. Riddell wishes to express her concerns regarding the potential dramatization of her actions, particularly those related to her transgender identity and personal history, as depicted in her work in the Dakumentary. She believes that any further attempts to dramatize her actions, especially by individuals who disapprove of her, would diminish her mana and potentially subject her to ridicule. -

Ms. Riddell has already requested Victoria University of Wellington to cease and desist from any further development or production of the screenplay, and this request extends to all film producers or production entities in Aotearoa-New Zealand who may have come across the screenplay.

We demand that you immediately cease and desist from any further discussions, negotiations, or actions pertaining to the production of the film based on Ms. Riddell's screenplay. Failure to comply with this demand will leave us with no choice but to pursue legal action to enforce Ms. Riddell's rights as the rightful owner of the intellectual property in question.

We expect a written confirmation from you within 7 days from the receipt of this letter, confirming that you have ceased all activities related to the production of the film based on Ms. Riddell's screenplay. Additionally, we request that you provide us with details of any steps taken thus far in connection with the proposed film adaptation.

Please govern yourselves accordingly.



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