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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

How do I rationalise my AI use

Essentially, my rule of thumb (these days, and to some extent in the past) is to think that it takes the same amount of CO2 to generate the artwork whether it be via a human process or an artificial intelligence process. This is cheap pre-viz, and at times it does rise to something beyond that. So yeah, I don't waste it. It's bloody expensive to render this shit, given my budget. I've given up my subscription to The Post because it became too expensive. The Student Allowance is liveable, but just barely. My Student ID is in the mail, so soon I'll be able to get some discounts. Te Wānanga O Aotearoa is definitely encouraging students to take more lessons. For me, it depends on whether I can use the Student Allowance, or not. Like, I've already spent 4 years at uni, and there's only 6 years that Kiwis are allowed to use for a Student Loan. VUW is way too expensive. But honestly, I'm really liking TWOA. I know that Michelle has also studied there, but it's not like we're tight anymore. That hasn't been true for ages. I like the educational philosophy, and the evidence is unbelievably strong that Māori children learn best in kura Māori. That's something that Seymour used to be all for, but that wasn't the rhetoric of ACT this afternoon at Parliament. For me, it's fun to have a vibe that isn't as competitive. I wasn't really planning for all this political satire to become like a job, but this is an important year for my future prospects regarding getting another job. I feel a need to stick around until those laws pass, but I'm more interested in the trans law reform than the drug law reform currently. Hence why I came with my stubble. I told you that I was going to do that, so I thought that was ample notice for people to be prepared for the incongruence.

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