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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

An old lyric of mine

This was from my first year of uni, and I never set it to music. Essentially, this was my attempt to do a Bock and Harnick-style song. He isn't charming,

He isn't dear.

His looks aren't disarming,

But I'm still tense when he's near.


He's slender and pale,

His hair has no flair.

I know that I'll fail:

I lose all sense when he's near.


I don't know when it began,

I don't know how things changed.

Just that now he's in my head,

And everything has changed.


This is no flash in the pan,

And to leave now would be death.

I just know I want us to be wed,

So I can be "his Beth,"

While he can be my man.


He isn't charming,

He isn't dear.

His looks are alarming,

But I'm still tense when he's near.


I'd like to match wits,

As more than a peer.

But my brain is on the fritz,

I'm so damn dense when he's near.


I can't explain it that well,

But I know he's who I want.

(At least as far as I can tell)


It doesn't matter how he looks.

If he doesn't need a girl who cooks,

Then he's just fine with me.


No matter how things appear,

I know where I want to be.

And that is wherever, or whenever, he's near. - And another one from when I was working at Maccas: this was a 1930's waltz idea. VERSE

I’m an old (slightly) worn-out huckster,

And it sucks ta be me.

I don’t want to be that worn-out huckster,

And it just takes a few bucks ta be free, mon cheri.


I’ll do whatever your heart desires, I swear.

I’ll steal us a plane,

Or hijack a train,

To settle in Maine.

Long as you care for me.


I’ll do any old thing you ask – don’t glare!

I’ll raise up a brat,

Who’s spoiled and fat --

Then sell him like that!

Long as you care for me.


I know I’ve some wrinkles,

And sprinkles of grey.

But those wrinkles don’t change the way

I love you today.


I’m just hopelessly mad for you, my dear.

I’m constantly smitten,

Even when sittin’

While wearing your knittin’--

And I’d stay on that chair,

Long as you care for me. - I like to pastiche!

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